
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

At last.....

Chicken Update!

My friend Kim asked for pictures of our chickens now that they are grown up so here they are!

  That's Buckaroo Banzai in the foreground with Perfect Tommy Scar behind him.
(he had a a little run-in with the electric fence)

And this is Priddy Penny Purdy...she's my fave.

She comes running every time I come outside, hoping I'll let her sit on my knee.
I almost always do.

Penny and her sister Peggy keep trying to convince Tommy Scar that nesting boxes are for
girls only. 
No boys aloud!

Mark has started on his winter garden, so more updates coming soon.


  1. Nice. Love it. No Boys Aloud indeed. I hope to get chickens someday soon, we'll see.

    1. Good idea. It gives the little woman something to do that will keep her out of trouble. Oops, here comes the little woman now. Gotta run.
