
Friday, February 25, 2011

February Progress Part I

(Part I of a III Part series with pictures)

What did you do over the past two weekends?
Here in Uncle Mark's Garden we planted!  The weekend of the 5th, we got seed started for the following:
Bibb Lettuce (more!)

     Brandywine, Rutgers, Delicious, Caspian Pink, Giant Belgium, Champion

     Big Dipper, Karma, Giant Thai, Hot Banana, Scotch Bonnet, Numex Sunrise,
     Carribean Red, and Crispy
 (sorry; don't seem to have pics of the peppers and leeks at the moment.  I'll include them in another part)


Chives, Cilantro, Dill,Common Thyme, English Thyme, Basil, Oregano, Greek Oregano, Sage, Chammomile, Cumin, White Mustard, Parsley,

Planting Day

2 Weeks later.  Somehow the lettuce keeps creeping in to all these shots and hamming it up a little.


Cilantro is being a little bashful

And here is the current status of the artichokes.  Yes.  I am VERY excited about growing artichokes!

Stay tuned for Part II of the update...what's in the ground

Monday, February 7, 2011

Before And After

Yesterday Mark had his first home-grown salad of the year; it is amazing what you can do in the basement with grow lights!

Here are some before and after pictures of what is going on in our garden right now. 

Last year the herb beds were in the back yard.

This year we have moved them around front.  Better access for me to run out and clip what I need for a meal!

Last year we used these are chicken tractors.

This year we covered them with green house grade plastic....

...and we are wintering some of the hardier plants in our home made green house.

This is a shot of the back yard earlier this winter

I now have a new, bigger, sturdier clothesline and the yard is ready for planting.

We have taken a break the past couple of weeks for a nasty bout with the flu.  Everyone is much better, tomato seeds have become plants and have been transplanted into bigger pots, and after the expected cold, wintry weather later this week we will be ready to get out and do more.